Friday, February 14, 2014

Portrait Photography

Steven McCurry's - Afghan Girl

I really like this portrait because my attention is directed straight towards her eyes. Her eyes appear to be green and reflects the background a little bit. The girl sort of looks angry but then scared at the same time. Her eyes is the focal point of this portrait. 

Bill Gekas - Portrait of Daughter in Style
I like this portrait because her expression interest me the most. The photographer's daughter seems to be dressed in a "stylish" attire prompt for the late 1700s to early 1800s. Her blue cap gives the photo some direction. Her cap angles parallel to her shoulders. I think the brown back ground makes the girl "pop" in a way. The vibrancy of colors  makes my eyes glance from her cap, to her surprised eyes, down to her blouse. I wonder how long she'd be posing. 
Victorian Headless Portrait Photography
Photos like these were really interesting in the 19th century. These photos mostly created through the usage of many negatives. I assume the photographer used the negatives to alter the placement of heads. I think these pictures are interesting because they were sort of photo editing in their century time. I think its completely hilarious that the model in the picture has his hat off as if he way wishing someone a good day while his head sits promptly on a tray in his lap. 
Ulric Collette- Split Portrait of Grandmother and Granddaughter 
This is pretty interesting because it shows the blending of age through one figure. It makes me wonder how the artist achieved this method of photography. I think its quite interesting to have the features so realistic. The younger side has freckles and the aging side does not. I thought it was pretty neat for the artist to mix age and beauty in one piece. 
Nehemi Sejour- The Coffure Project
I really like when artist uses African American figures in a black and white setting. I think the darkness of hair highlights the lightness of her shirt. I'm focused mainly on how big her hair is. She also faces to the side, so the audience cannot get a firm frontal view. Her skin looks so smooth. I also see a bit of contouring in her shoulders and face.